Cogentrix Recognizes 2022 as Safest Year on Record

We are proud to proclaim 2022 as the safest year on record company-wide, with only one recordable injury in 729,527 total hours worked. Our motto, “No Regrets, Bringing Safety All the Way Home” emphasizes the importance we place on safety…it is and always will be our number one priority.  

Our NO REGRETS program focuses on work place safety at the plants and offices, specifically targeting No Clutter, Organization [pre-job briefings], Reflect [to keep eyes & mind on task], Electrical Safety, Gravity Always Wins, Root Cause Analysis, , Evolve, Teamwork [for perfect LOTO], and Safety Observations.  

In 2022, we placed a concerted effort to increase collaboration between the plants, departments, and corporate offices, which will be carried forward in the years to come through the implementation of a Fleet Safety Focus program designed to align safety efforts and share best practices, incidents, near misses, and other safety events.

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